Lecture Capture and Audio and Video Recording
We provide video and audio recording to College and GSAS courses for individual class meetings or for all class meetings in a semester, subject to staff availability and alignment with FAS policy.
Due to high demand, FAS prioritizes the following circumstances:
- Simultaneous enrollment courses approved by the Office of Undergraduate Education.
- Courses that request recordings to accommodate religious observances.
- Courses being held in rooms with installed lecture capture equipment.
See the list.
- Harvard Hall 101
- Harvard Hall 105
- Harvard Hall 201
- Harvard Hall 104
- Emerson 105
- Emerson 210
- Biolabs-1080
- Northwest B-101
- Northwest B-103
- Northwest-B108
- Pfizer Auditorium
- Sever Hall 113
Other courses will be supported to the extent that technicians and equipment are available. Arrangements to record review sessions must be made at least two weeks in advance and are subject to staff availability. Videos will be available within 2-3 business days of the review session.
Videos for courses will be available within 2-3 business days of the lecture. Videos can be accessed by faculty and students via Panopto (Harvard’s instructional video platform) in their respective course Canvas sites.
Technical support for Canvas and Panopto
FAS classes that require assistance with their Canvas course websites and publishing of video materials within Panopto should first consult the Academic Technology Group’s support page for Panopto.

Instructional Continuity for Absent Students
We provide support and resources to help you continue the educational process for absent students. Please note that ESS has limited capacity to support staffed lecture capture.
Guidelines for Faculty:
- Students must inform their instructors of their situation and make their best effort to stay on top of their work. Read the policy on instructional continuity during student absences.
- If the class takes place in a room already equipped with lecture capture technology, we can assist you to record the class and make the recording available on Canvas.
- If you or a course Teaching Fellow would like to record lectures, please refer to our guidelines and instructions for self-service lecture capture.
- Do not use Zoom to include an absent student in class sessions or discussion as many classrooms do not have the necessary AV equipment to support the effective and equitable inclusion of students.sion or discussion.
- Encourage students to identify a “study buddy” with whom to exchange notes and information at the beginning of the semester.
- Use your discretion to provide alternative assignments or other ways for a student to stay caught up in class if they need to isolate.
- ESS policies and a list of classrooms with lecture capture installed can be found here. Contact us at ess@fas.harvard.edu for more information.